Bulwiengesa is a leading German consulting firm specializing in the real estate industry, offering market analyses, appraisals, and project development support, backed by extensive data and expertise.
Bulwiengesa is one of Germany's largest independent consulting and analysis companies for the real estate industry. Founded in 1983, the company has established itself as a comprehensive source of expertise across various segments, including office, residential, retail, logistics, industrial, hotel, and leisure properties. With a team of 90 interdisciplinary professionals spread across five locations in Berlin, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich, bulwiengesa provides a wide range of services. These include market and location analyses, purchase appraisals, and project development calculations, all backed by one of Germany's best databases and the expertise of its valuation subsidiary, bulwiengesa appraisal. The company's work is grounded in extensive market data and years of experience, making it a trusted partner for project developers, builders, and other stakeholders in the real estate sector. For instance, bulwiengesa's "Housing Weather Map" offers detailed insights into the supply and demand dynamics of residential markets across over 11,000 German municipalities. Additionally, bulwiengesa publishes regular market analyses and studies, such as the "5% Study," which examines investment opportunities in the German real estate market. The company's commitment to neutrality and independence from financing, transaction, and brokerage interests ensures that its appraisals and advice are unbiased and reliable. Overall, bulwiengesa's comprehensive expertise and extensive data resources make it a key player in Germany's real estate industry, providing valuable insights and support to a wide range of clients.