Social Economy Europe

Social Economy Europe

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Social Economy Europe is the EU-level representative organisation for the social economy. It was established in November 2000 under the name CEP-CMAF (European Standing Conference of Cooperatives, Mutual societies, Associations and Foundations) and later changed its name to Social Economy Europe in January 2008. The organisation represents a diverse range of social economy enterprises and organisations, including cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations, and social enterprises. Social Economy Europe works to promote the economic and social contributions of social economy enterprises and organisations in Europe. It aims to reinforce the political and legal recognition of the social economy and its various forms of enterprises and organisations at the European level. The organisation operates based on the principle of subsidiarity, ensuring the added value of its actions. Key values that unite the members of Social Economy Europe include the primacy of people and social objectives over capital, democratic governance, solidarity, and the reinvestment of profits to achieve sustainable development objectives. The organisation believes in a more plural, democratic, cooperative, and responsive economy, and it sees the social economy as a crucial component in addressing major social and environmental challenges through social and environmental innovation.