The Housing in Europe – 2022 report highlights significant differences in housing size, type, quality, ownership, and rental status across Europe. It examines trends in house prices and rents over the past decade, addressing affordability in urban and rural areas. The publication is organized into three chapters: How we live, Housing cost, and Construction, and features interactive visualizations developed by Eurostat to enhance understanding of housing dynamics.
There are large differences within Europe on how we live in terms of size, kind and quality of housing and whether we own or rent. The evolution of house prices and rents also varies significantly between countries. Housing in Europe – 2022 interactive edition shows figures on many different aspects of housing.
The publication is divided into three chapters:
How we live: This chapter shows data on whether we live in a house or a flat and whether we own or rent. It also includes statistics on the size and quality of housing and last, but not least, on the environmental impact.
Housing cost: This section contains data on the evolution of house prices and rents in the last decade. It also shows whether housing is affordable both in cities and in rural areas.
Construction: This chapter focuses on the construction sector and shows the evolution in the last decade. It also shows the most built up areas in Europe.
This publication, containing short texts and interactive visualisation tools, has been developed by Eurostat.