The Radical Housing Journal is an open-access publication addressing critical housing issues, promoting social justice, and highlighting marginalized communities' experiences and struggles.
The Radical Housing Journal (RHJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication that focuses on critical issues in housing, including social justice, eviction, gentrification, and homelessness. It aims to challenge conventional thinking about housing and to foster a more inclusive and equitable approach to housing research and action. The journal is a collective effort, bringing together scholars, activists, and practitioners from various backgrounds to share insights and perspectives on housing issues. It features a range of articles, conversations, and analyses that explore the complex relationships between housing, power, and social justice. The RHJ also seeks to highlight the experiences and struggles of marginalized communities and to promote solidarity and resistance against housing dispossession and injustice. Recent issues have addressed topics such as the impact of war and conflict on housing, the role of institutional forms of housing violations, and the importance of cross-border solidarity and resistance in the face of housing dispossession. The journal is available online and is published by the RHJ Collective, based in Sheffield, UK. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in critical housing research and activism in Europe and beyond.