Citizens Take Over Europe
Citizens Take Over Europe

Citizens Take Over Europe

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Fresh website design (by no somos nada). Initiative got funding from Schöpflin StiftungSchöpflin Stiftung

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Created time
Jul 15, 2021 5:24 PM
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Citizens Take Over Europe (CTOE) is a coalition of civil society organizations, citizens, and residents from across Europe. It emerged in the spring of 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, recognizing the need for more democratic participation in European politics. The organization aims to promote a forward-looking and citizen-centered European democracy by empowering citizens through participatory tools and innovative deliberative methodologies. CTOE organizes and participates in various events and assemblies across Europe, including online conferences, open debates, and physical gatherings. The organization has developed a set of 10 principles for a successful Conference on the Future of Europe, emphasizing the importance of participatory, inclusive, open, deliberative, transnational, transparent, accountable, and effective processes. These principles aim to ensure that citizens are at the heart of decision-making processes in the European Union. Key activities of CTOE include advocating for democratic reform, promoting the Citizens’ Assembly model on a European level, and developing a blueprint for future transnational citizens’ assemblies. The organization also engages in campaigns and mobilizes citizens and activists across Europe to discuss and co-develop solutions for European challenges. Through its efforts, CTOE seeks to fundamentally rethink how European democracy works and to create a more inclusive and participatory political landscape.