Housing Europe

Housing Europe

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They have initiated the “European Responsible Housing Finance Working Group

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Jun 7, 2021 12:19 PM
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Housing Europe is the European Federation of Public, Cooperative, and Social Housing, established in 1988. It is a network of 45 national and regional federations, along with 16 partnering organisations, operating in 31 countries across Europe. Together, these organisations manage approximately 25 million homes, which accounts for about 11% of existing dwellings in Europe. The federation's vision is to provide access to decent and affordable housing for all, within socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable communities. Housing Europe's members offer a range of services beyond housing, including domiciliary care, community centres, employment and training services, and urban development projects. The organisation has a research branch known as the Housing Europe Observatory, which was launched in 1994. The Observatory focuses on identifying research needs and analysing key trends in housing and social housing at the European level. It publishes reports, research briefings, and participates in EU-funded projects, collaborating with international agencies like OECD and UNECE. Housing Europe also engages in advocacy work on issues such as energy efficiency, sustainable urban policy, and social exclusion, aiming to promote a stable and affordable housing market across Europe.