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Sep 18, 2023 11:29 AM
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The Network of Cities for Collaborative Housing (NETCO) is a project aimed at promoting peer learning and exchange among city practitioners, civil society, and organizations on collective housing formulas at the local level. The project focuses on fostering sustainable and innovative housing models within communities across Europe. NETCO facilitates peer learning by organizing workshops, seminars, and conferences where professionals and stakeholders in urban development and housing can share best practices and gain insights into collaborative housing solutions. These events are designed to benefit a wide array of individuals and entities, including urban planners, policymakers, housing developers, architects, social workers, researchers, and community advocates. The project has hosted several international conferences in cities such as Barcelona, Bologna, and Brussels, covering topics like legal frameworks, public resources, and funding challenges for collaborative housing schemes. NETCO also provides a platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation among city practitioners and civil society, aiming to promote sustainable urban development. The project ran from May 2022 to April 2024, with its activities and resources available on the website