ICLEI European Secretariat
A framework urging local governments to implement green initiatives for climate neutrality and sustainability.
The Mannheim Message is a declaration adopted at the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in 2020. It calls for Local Green Deals to achieve a climate-neutral, sustainable, and inclusive Europe. The message emphasizes systemic changes, citizen participation, and knowledge exchange. Mannheim serves as a pilot city for Local Green Deals and aims to become climate neutral by 2030. It provides a framework for European cities to localize the European Green Deal and promote transformation towards sustainability.
The Mannheim Message is a declaration that calls for Local Green Deals to achieve a climate-neutral, sustainable and inclusive Europe. It was adopted at the 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in Mannheim, Germany in 2020.
The key points of the Mannheim Message are:
- It builds on the transformative actions catalyzed by the earlier Basque Declaration from 2016.[7]
- It calls for core systemic changes and key policy shifts needed to bring about transformation for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable future in line with the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.[10]
- Local and regional governments across Europe are urged to establish Local Green Deals to implement the European Green Deal at the local level.[4]
- The City of Mannheim is leading the way as a pilot city for Local Green Deals in Europe, after endorsing the Mannheim Message.[3] Mannheim aims to become climate neutral by 2030 through its Local Green Deal approach.[3]
- The Mannheim Message emphasizes the need for effective citizen and stakeholder participation, a socially just transition, and knowledge exchange and innovation in implementing Local Green Deals.[3]
So in summary, the Mannheim Message provides a framework and call to action for European cities to localize the European Green Deal through establishing their own Local Green Deals, with Mannheim serving as a leading example. The goal is to enable systemic transformation towards climate neutrality and sustainability at the local level across Europe.
Citations: [1] https://www.iges.or.jp/en/vlr/mannheim [2] https://www.local2030.org/pdf/vlr/mannheim-vlr-2020.pdf [3] https://www.mannheim.de/en/shaping-the-city/ideal-for-mannheim-the-local-green-deal [4] https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/13331aee-d3cb-11eb-895a-01aa75ed71a1/language-en [5] https://www.mannheim.de/sites/default/files/2021-02/Mannheim Message.pdf [6] https://www.mannheim.de/de/stadt-gestalten/local-green-deal [7] https://sustainablecities.eu/mannheim-message/about-the-mannheim-message/ [8] https://www.local2030.org/library/701/Localizing-the-Agenda-2030-The-Mannheim-Modell.pdf [9] https://past-conferences.sustainablecities.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/_temp_/Mannheim2020/Message/Mannheim-Message.pdf [10] https://globalparliamentofmayors.org/gpm-endorses-the-mannheim-message-2020-responding-to-the-european-green-deal/ [11] https://www.intelligentcitieschallenge.eu/sites/default/files/2021-07/2nd ICC City Lab_Thematic workshop_Green economy_Mannheim process %26 pilot.pdf [12] https://www.sustaineurope.com/the-lasting-impact-of-mannheim2020-201228.html