Authors: Not specified
"The Great European Disaster Movie" is a thought-provoking documentary set in a post-European Union future where prominent figures like Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen hold power. It explores a scenario in which Greece has defaulted on its debt and the Eurozone has disintegrated. Through a combination of carefully curated sequences and interviews with a diverse array of individuals—including commentators, politicians, and everyday citizens—the film delves into the far-reaching implications of the EU's collapse. It highlights the political, economic, and social stakes involved, painting a vivid picture of a fragmented Europe. The documentary serves as a cautionary tale about the potential fallout from the disintegration of one of the world's most significant political and economic unions, prompting viewers to reflect on the importance of unity and collaboration in addressing contemporary challenges.
In a post-EU future, Nigel Farage and Marine Le Pen have come to power, the Greeks have written off their debt and the Eurozone has collapsed. Flitting between artfully constructed sequences and interviews with commentators, politicians and ordinary people, this powerful documentary shows us the stakes and the possible consequences of the European Union's collapse.