This report by NASCO provides an analysis of the health of 24 member-owned housing cooperatives across North America. It aims to document best practices among these cooperatives and encourage the sharing of effective strategies. By conducting health assessments, NASCO offers member co-ops valuable insights into their growth trajectories, highlighting areas for improvement and development. The report emphasizes the importance of adopting emerging practices that may not yet be standard among member cooperatives. Ultimately, the goal is to foster a collaborative environment where co-ops can learn from one another, leading to enhanced operational health and sustainability within the housing cooperative sector.
North American based umbrella organization NASCO is educating and organizing an emerging generation of cooperators. In this report, NASCO has interviewed and evaluated 24 member owned housing cooperatives. ”The purposes of conducting health assessments and compiling this aggregate report are to 1) document and share best practices among different group equity housing cooperatives, 2) to offer member co-ops a long-term outside view of their own growth, and 3) to suggest goals to member co-ops that are not yet commonly adopted but which are emerging practices in member cooperatives.”